Views from a Paris window [Search results for fashion photos]
Big Furry Fabulousness on Ann Bonfoey Taylor
Going BIG at the ROM
Reflection - Un reflet, le bébé et sa mamam se regardent
Wearing Vintage [Christene Barberich, Editor-in-Chief, Refinery 29]
Cobalt Blue & Orange Crush-a Complementary Vacation
YSL, Bicycles, Vintage & Catherine Baba
Parisienne Fashion Plate No. 1- Russet and Denim with a Vintage Twist
Kreativ Blogger Award & Nominations
Fabulous Girls Wear Ossie Clark
Wearing Vintage [Elisa Nalin]
Me Wearing Vintage + Rodarte at The Room
à la parisienne
Real Life Styling [Anna Dello Russo]
Wearing Vintage [Basma in Adele Simpson from Shrimpton Couture]