Ivory satin and lace baby slippers

Glam baby boots
Before our little chou chou's (French word for darling- pronounced shoo shoo) tender, plump feet ever begin their pitter patter across the livingroom floor, we caress and kiss them as they are so smooth, pure, sweet. Oft times we choose to dress them in diminuitive shoes merely for pleasure. One lovely thing about little baby shoes is that they are safely cradled, along with baby, in mother's arms thus escaping the dirty floor and rugged play like that of a toddler's shoe.
I am constantly on the prowl for vintage baby shoes for my daughter. They just don't make baby shoes like they used to. Don't get me wrong, I have seen many a pair of new, beautiful baby shoes.
But what is it about vintage baby shoes that allures me? They are usually made of softer fabrics and are also pliable from gentle wear. They also tend to be more dressy, more feminine--perhaps they represent an era of time when we were more formal in our appearance, conversation, behaviors... I also can't help but wonder what the other babies' mothers felt as they passed these shoes on to the next person. Perhaps fleeting sadness. Perhaps lingering reflection.