First of all, I want to thank the wonderful bloggers who participated in sharing their favorite scarf styles. You are all so creative and I just thoroughly enjoy sharing ideas with you.
The first three pics are from the lovely Dixie at French Lique. Dixie and I are new blog friends and we have quite a bit in common! She, too, is from Texas and we both relate when it comes to our unpredictable Texas weather! She posted a great blog over scarves (with very thorough pics). She shows how versatile her favorite yellow floral scarf is in her daily wardrobe.
Oh, and Dixie and I also share a weekness for rhinestone pins!
I just love the way this scarf drapes over one shoulder-so femme!

YSLGuy at Let Them Eat Cupcakes has a true Parisian style. Men in Paris love style as much if not more than women. This look is exactly what I would imagine seeing on a young Parisian guy walking along the Seine, conversing at a café, or sitting on the steps below Sacré Coeur. Parisians love black; they love layering black; and a black scarf completes the look!
A beautiful scarf tied to a handbag is a great way to add color to your look. This photo was submitted by the lovely Bonjour Madame. She is a loyal and talented blogging friend and she loves all things French!
These last two photos are from a site that I found par hasard (on accident). posts Une Foulard de la Semaine - Scarf of the Week. She is serious about accessorizing and has a very interesting site- and of course, a lover of Paris!
Whether silk or linen, chartreuse or salmon, floral or solid, simple or bold, scarves just have that finishing touch.