Dear, Spring,
It has been a year since we've seen one another. Why must our time together be so transient? You are welcome to arrive early this year, as I am anxiously awaiting your warm embrace, refreshing showers, and anticipating the smiles donned by the fields, meadows, and flowers as they bring forth new life upon your return. The back yard, swing, and neighborhood cats long for Amelia's frequent visits and resounding laughter. My garden feels forlorn as the icy winter's touch has made me to stay indoors. Please hasten.
I am prepared for your arrival:
*I am making preparations for a garden makeover with many beautiful plans in mind. (Thanks to Parisienne Farmgirl's Potager classes.) I think that you shall find it pleasing.
*I have done my spring homework- Spring cleaning and declutter.
*I have already begun planning Amelia's 3rd birthday party, so the month of May shall not find me ill-prepared.
*And I am wearing my newest shade of pink lipstick.

Printemps, tu me manques terriblement. {Spring, I miss you terribly.}
And I am sure I am not the only one.
images by à la parisienne