It's been since Thanksgiving that I've had a chance to blog again. Christmas time is here and I just love decorating for Christmas. The main reason is that I LOVE vintage ornaments, glitter, ribbons, especially the silver, vintage golds/champagnes, pinks, and aquas. As you can see, I have an artificial (politically correct term for "fake") four foot white Christmas tree. Most people who love real trees would not only snub this little tree, they would probably laugh in her face for being so unreal. That's okay with me, though!

This year's color palette for my Christmas tree is cream, vintage gold, and pink.
To give this stark white tree some warmth, I wrapped champagne colored tulle around it from top to bottom. Without ornaments, it looks like a wedding cake.

One thing I've discovered is, when you buy what you like everything you own seems to coordinate.
I hung Amelia's little dusty rose, gold, and chocolate brown velour dress behind the tree to bring in more color to the scene. I just love this little dress.

Michael's craft store had these WONDERFUL glittered feathered bird ornaments last year.
I nearly fell over when I saw them hanging there. I could decorate with these all year...
My favorite thing about this bird is that her feather are the perfect shade of cream and the ends of the feathers are curled up, creating a ruffled effect.

I place this tree atop our diningroom buffet every Christmas for two reasons:
Number 1-From the double windows in our adjoining living room, one can see the illuminated tree from our front yard.
Number 2-The enormous buffet mirror behind the tree reflects the lights and ornaments and makes this diminutive tree more substantial.
(And number 3- I just thought of another reason) Amelia can't reach the ornaments (or as she says, ORN-NAH-NENTS) from the floor:)
Unfortunately, Zena, the warrior princess, our very overweight cat, can still manange to leap up to the top of the buffet and snack on the plastic tree limbs. I guess when you put a tree on a buffet, one should expect it to be eaten... yeah, when a cat craves eating plastic, there's definitely some marbles missing...

I felt camera happy one evening and had to do a "photoshoot" of some of my brooches nestled in my Christmas tree. (Notice the big dark blob at the top of the tree in the first picture.)

This "Winter Wish" brooch is one of my newest additions to my Etsy store.
It is made of 100% silk in a beautiful shade of silver.
The center of this brooch is adorned with a layer of dove gray velvet and a
vintage rhinestone pin

One of my wrapped brooches
I don't know about all of you, but I have only wrapped ONE Christmas gift!
Oh, I am so behind.
I plan to share with you some of my wrapped gifts soon!
I hope you all have a blessed day!
All images by à la parisienne