It's funny how as we age, our taste in color changes. I was never attracted to the color mustard yellow until a couple of years ago when I figured out that it is a color that I should wear.
So often, when shopping for clothing, I find myself debating over colors that make my heart melt and colors that actually suit me.

Not a mustard yellow fan? Use this image as a springboard for inspiration. Substitute the yellow for fuschia, emerald green, or crimson or pumpkin/russet (as suggested by Elena)...
And as we all know les vraies parisienne's do just that. They select clothing that actually flatters their skin tones.
Now that mustard yellow and I have become friends, I find it to be a quite striking and versatile color to work with in my wardrobe. {And aren't these images of mustard yellow quite charming??}
But I must say... whether blush, winter white, and aqua flatter me or not, I'm going to wear them anyway~~
source for both images-Pinterest