If you have been following the blog or are a fan of my shop, you know that I have been lucky enough to have a few amazing, rare, runway Alexander McQueen pieces come my way over the past few weeks. Oddly, they are not all from the same person, they just happened, by happy accidental timing, to be sent to me from all four corners of the globe within the same time frame. I swear that old adage is true — you know, the one that goes along the lines of — the thoughts you put out into the universe... .
Honestly, I had one person call me and tell me that they were ready to give up 3 pieces and within the next couple of weeks I had similar emails from three other unrelated parties and the next thing you know I have a small collection of rare pieces to offer!
Hey Vintage Gods wanna make that happen with some more rare designers? I will just wait while you sort that out in the universe, thank you
This lovely Fall 2005 runway piece is sadly the last of that run (for now at least) but what a way to end it on! It is a spectacular piece that is soft and cuddly and has a sexy, sixties twist to it. Sure a girl can throw on a ballgown when she needs to, but it's really the great individual separates that you reach for again and again that make up your daily style. This gorgeous sweater is insanely wearable and a certifiable future vintage heirloom too!
Have a warm and fuzzy vintage filled dayxxx cherie
Shop all the McQueen pieces I have in the shop here