Sorry I've been M.I.A. for a couple of weeks. I always have all of these blog post ideas floating in my head but never seem to land at the computer to write them...
Life has been vibrant and joyful lately.
Sometimes I just think: I am so blessed to be so happy.

Here are some things that have colored Amelia's world lately:
*New "magic" paint that only appears on the "magic" paper
*Elmo juice boxes
*"Playing dishes"
*Washable markers in more than 8 colors
*Swimming in the "big pool" with Mommy and Daddy
*Playing in the bathtub... and sometimes licking the soap
*an armful of Mommy's bracelets
*carrying her purse full of Mommy's bracelets

And these things have made Mommy's world brighter:
*Special time with friends and good food!
*Singing with a choir and being surrounded by the fullness of harmony
*Practicing the piano {Sometimes Amelia plays, too;)}
*Long, meaningful conversations with family
*New, exciting projects
*Watching Amelia grow
*Listening to Amelia make intellegent sentences
*Laughing while Amelia tells her toys what to do
*Sharing things with all of you through my blog
*Sharing my dreams with my family
*Weekly talks with my mom and dad on the phone
*Storytime and singing with Amelia before naps and bedtime~a joy that surpasses that which words, laughter, and kisses can express
A big welcome to all of my new followers. I hope that you enjoy your visits!
Images by à la parisienne