I always look forward to finding out which perfumes Liberty is featuring in its seasonal catalogue. Liberty is probably my favourite store for perfume shopping. Uniquely in London, nobody in the perfume section bothers you, which means you can have a proper look around. It's the perfect place to spend a late shopping evening.

Fracas, created by the perfumer Germaine Cellier, is one of those secrets that is highly rated by those in-the-know. Launched in 1948, Fracas does now seem a bit old-fashioned. Most modern perfumes focus around one or two key notes whereas Fracas is a true medley including tuberose and a classic 'white flower accord'. It can be a bit too much. Definitely worth trying if you're a fan of white flowers, but try before you buy.
Contrasting with this old-school classic, Eau Duelle has just been launched by Diptyque. This was the description that Diptyque had in their window last month.
I've heard Eau Duelle described as a 'chilly vanilla', which is pretty accurate. The solid perfume is a bargain at £28, and with covetable packaging it's sure to be on my Christmas list.
One of my absolute favourites, Ninefo Mio by Annick Goutal is included in the next selection:

Whilst I can't heap enough praise on Ninfeo Mio, I was underwhelmed by Ulrich Lang's Nightscape. It's very woody, and a bit flat. Serge Lutens, the grand master of woody fragrances, also features in this selection. Cuir Mauresque is, according to Basenotes, a 'rich, smoky leather'. Good for this time of year perhaps. And finally, Rose en Noir from Miller Harris, which has been created by Miller Harris exclusively for Liberty. The reviews on Make Up Alley are extremely positive if you're searching for a femme fatale vibe.