Warm weather is finally arriving. In order to prepare your body for summer here's a quick peak at what's in my summer skincare cabinet.
I'm a bit of a do-it-yourself addict. For various reasons, going to salons and having things done to you is not something I enjoy. I've always been a big fan of home kits and products.
To keep hair legs free, I've tried home depilation kits of various sorts. I've yet to try one of the new lazer machines, but will invest in one soon. I've found this silkepil to be one of the best and most effective gadgets for hair removal. It's quick, easy to use, and relatively pain free once you find the right technique.
This hair-removing 'sandpaper' is also great to keep in your handbag. It's a hassle-free solution to keep your legs smooth and hair free. Great as a quick-fix in the summer months.
With a typical washed-out English complexion, I need to wear mascara to look human, which can be a problem on holiday. This eyelash dye kit (and ones like it) has been my friend since I was about sixteen. It's not too fiddly to do, just needs a bit of patience to let the colour set.
Exfoliation is, without doubt, essential to keep skin smooth and soft. I read about body brushing for years, but had never tried it out. About a year ago I took the plunge and bought a brush. I haven't looked back — IT'S FABULOUS. My skin has never been softer or smoother.
Remember to buy a relatively soft brush to start with as you don't want to irritate your skin. There are quite a few online guides to how to brush your body. I'm not convinced that the order that you brush your body parts or the particular brushing technique matters that much. It's just about doing it regularly and keeping it up.
Finally, if your toes are going to be exposed — they need to be painted. It doesn't matter what colour; I've got a whole host of bright colour for my toenails. If they're painted they looked cared for and loved. And while you're painting them it might remind you to give the rest of your feet a bit of attention too.
And of course — don't forget your Clinique Aromatics Elixir body smoother.