On July 4th, as American flags were boasting America's independence and freedom along the quaint streets of my quiet Texas town, my computer was waging a rebellion-a treasonous act to overthrow my ability to communicate with fellow bloggers, countrymen, and friends. As a very fair dictator that I am, I could not possibly understand this revolt... In retrospect I believe that mon pauvre ordinateur was shutting down for reasons concerning- low wages, being overworked, being under appreciated, and being the victim of several counts of verbal abuse... not be me, of course.
Viewed as an act of mutiny, I called for reinforcements, our local computer technician. After 72 hours of peace talks and vaccines for "virus" outbreaks, she assured me that a peace treaty had been constituted. My end of the deal was to provide better Spyware and proper weekly defragmentation. The computer acquiesced to work more efficiently as long as he was awarded a larger memory and a cleaner hard drive.
Thus the computer and I now have a repaired relationship for the time being... but I am watching... I am watching... the smallest flutter of insurrection will not be tolerated...