I just wanted to share a quick post over a quick creative project I did this weekend. I also haven't shared any recent pictures of our baby girl, and Mommy has to brag a little!

I bought this very simple cotton dress for nearly nothing knowing that it would be a great blank canvas for me to embellish. I have been making my own millinery flowers to accessorize my wardrobe and decided that this gray velvet and silk flower would be the perfect adornment for this crisp, cotton dress.

Dove gray velvet and silk millinery flower made by A la parisienne
Notice the natural fraying around the edges of the silk petals~ the more I wear this flower (or the more Amelia wears it:) it becomes softer and more tattered creating a timeworn accesory. I love the juxtaposition of crisp, clean fabrics adorned with vintage accesories.

Does anyone know the name of this yellow toy? It looks somewhat like a Lego and it comes with various sized, shaped, colored pieces that interconnect. My daughter loves these and we only have a few pieces to the set. I know that they aren't new as I haven't seen them since my childhood.
Oh, my little sweetheart is growing up so fast. Everyday she surprises me as I witness her discover new pleasures (toddling around the house holding a crumpled piece of paper in one hand and a block in the other) and hear her say new words (outside, bread, down... ).
It is such a joy to participate in her life everyday as her "Mom-ma."