In my quest for beautiful images for French Friday Lessons, I stumbled upon my absolute favorite artist on Flickr. She is the subject and creator of the beautiful image I used on last Friday's post of the innocent couple wearing white. Her profile name is Rosiehardy. Interestingly, even her name transports me back to my childhood as the elements of her name are very closely related to my closest childhood friend from the tender age of three.

The first image in this post was my first impression of Rosiehardy, and it is still my favorite. It intrigued me to search deeper into her portfolio where I found a well of beautiful artistry. Rosiehardy is the creator, subject, and editor of her photos. (Although I am not sure if she has a photographer or is also the photographer with a self-timer on her camera.)

All of her pictures are laden with emotion--love, frustration, sorrow, intimacy, awareness... and many of her images explore various strong emotions between a man and a woman. Not only does she express these emotions in her art, but she also includes a lenghthy caption along with each of her photos, which is uncommon in my experience on Flickr.

Rosiehardy has a impressive following on Flickr, and you can see why. She is a beautiful woman with a beautifully creative mind. I love the color palette of many of her images. They are muted and these muted tones give them a dream-like quality.

Of course, I have selected some of the more feminine, pretty images... Some of her images are, well, the opposite, yet they still interest me.