How could you NOT enter this amazing giveaway?!!!
It's been 4 years since my husband and I walked those beautiful streets of Paris.
Since I've quite my job to be a stay at home mom, it's been nearly impossible to accumulate the money for the two of us to return to Paris.
Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that this awesome giveaway is for TWO and it includes 7 nights stay in a chic hotel!!!!
My husband always encourages me to enter giveaways because one year we won an all inclusive trip to Cancun from a local radio station. His jaw dropped to the floor in disbelief when they announced my name, and four months later we were basking on the beaches of Cancun!
Sooooo, visit Oh Happy Day's blog, and enter here for your chance to win.
I think I was number 8,550. Yes, the chances are slim, but at least there is a chance!