I did my best trying to make these stickers/buttons as pretty and neutral as possible so that you don't cringe every time you see it on your own lovely blog. I may make a few other sticker styles so that you get to pick which one you want. If you have any suggestions, please do share!
How you display your sticker is obviously your choice! If you want to make a link back to my blog or to a favorite French lesson that is also fine, but I won't be offended if you don't!
I will be adding these images to my sidebar for easy access.

"Sticker" for les femmes (women)!

"Sticker" pour les hommes (men)!
For those of you wondering why there are two different stickers, note at the bottom of the image it says "etudiant d'a la parisienne" which means an A la parisienne student. If you are female student has an "e" added to it - etudiante
So why the early lesson? Well, this weekend we will be celebrating our daughter's FIRST birthday, so I have a lot going on this week not to mention family coming to visit!

I thought that I would just share with you some very easy French phrases that you can use this week while blogging:
merci = Thank you (I know you know this one:)
merci beaucoup = Thank you very much!
de rien = You are welcome
pas de problème = Not a problem
s'il vous-plaît = Please
bien sûr! = Of course!
mais bien sûr! = But of course!
bien sûr que non! = Of course not!
Félicitations! = Congratulations!
C'est vrai? = Is it true?
Si, c'est vrai! = Yes, it's true!
Vraiment? = Really?
Vraiment. = Really.
C'est exact. = Exactly. (an affirmation of correctness)

Okay, let's have some fun with this vocabulary:
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and the Queen of England have sat down to afternoon tea, here is their conversation:
Queen: Mme Bruni-Sarkozy, you look ravishing in that beautiful gray dress. You are so modest and put together.
CB: Yes, well, I have posed nude before.
Queen: C'est vrai?
CB: Si, c'est vrai!
Queen (a little more taken aback) : Vraiment?!
CB: Vraiment.
Queen: Quelle suprise bizarre! (What a strange suprise)
[A long pause of silence]
Queen: And you must have made a fortune as a nude model.
CB: C'est exact! C'est vraiment fantastique!
[Queen, changing the subject]
Queen: May I borrow that lovely black purse some time, s'il vous plaît?
CB: mais bien sûr, Madame!
Queen: Merci!
CB: Pas de problème!
I hope you had fun with this lesson! Bonne semaine et bon week-end!
A la prochaine!