http://artwalaroad.com/2007/08/ The location where I found this great photo!
I had already decided to do a short post on a Parisian breakfast because I have these cute cafe cups that remind me of sipping a coffee or chocolat chaud (hot chocolate) at a Parisian café while watching hurried pedestrians pass by. Then I stumbled upon this photo of these two lavish women. Along with this photo, I also found this interesting blog: http://parisbreakfasts.blogspot.com/
It's amazing that so many unique blogs exist- a blog that just focuses on Parisian breakfasts? Who knew? Here I am just doing a silly post on my café cups and I find an entire blog full of wonderful vignettes of café tables. I am truly humbled and intrigued!

Here is what I would consider a simple breakfast a Parisian may eat at home before leaving for work- a fresh baguette with butter, some confiture (jelly), and a café au lait. As an American who drives everywhere, I would eat a granola bar on the way! However, most Parisians who live in the city center walk and take the métro to work. I guess there could be some Parisians who eat and walk at the same time!

I found these café cups at a local flea market. I paid $3.00 for all five, which I thought was a steal.