Many of us have made our list of New Year's resolutions. I have several floating around in my head-perhaps I should share them with you so that I hold myself accountable!
However, none of us knows what 2010 holds for us. With all of our calculating and planning, we just can't predict what's down the road...
In a way that's exciting. What pleasant surprises are we to encoutner this year???

My 2009 brought many pleasant surprises:
(Of course, these "surprises" didn't all just spontaneously happen without some effort!)
*Hearing some of our daughter's first words; learning what toys fascinate her; oh, and I can't forget the pleasant surprise of discovering her drawing on our diningroom door! Yes, in black pen-not in a washable crayon!
*My blog was a HUGE surprise to me last year. I began my blog in February 2009, and I would have never imagined how my blog would add such joy to my life. It has connected me with inspiring, talented, and interesting people everyday. It's crazy how a spontaneous decision made in 5 minutes can explode into an everyday hobby.
Trust me, anyone who knew me before 2009 would have NEVER imagined me using the computer as a hobby. Ask any former student of mine! I can be a little anti-technology, believe it or not.
*My Etsy store is another pleasant surprise. I still don't know how it all came together.
I'm speechless.
I wish you all a joyous and blessed 2010, but let's not forget about the blessings from last year!
I would love to hear about some of your pleasant surprises from 2009.
The lovely & romantic gifts above were wrapped by my sister-in-law, Felecia. She is one of the most talented and inspirational women I know. These were my Christmas presents from her. She knows me well, doesn't she?