My dresses, blouses, costume jewelry, and business cards all herald my love for pink and gray.
If you've been a reader of my blog for any length of time, you are probably sure of a couple of things:
{besides my love for God, my sweet family, and church}
I love pink. I love gray.
{j'aime le rose. j'aime le gris.}
I love Paris. I love French. I love fashion. I love anything romantic and feminine.
{j'aime Paris. j'aime le français. j'aime la mode. j'aime toutes les choses romantiques et féminines.}
Lizzie Carney's beautiful home had me at gray walls, pink silk curtains, and tufted pink headboard. Her lovely home was featured in Country Living Magazine's October 2010 issue, and I had to add these gorgeous images to my blog's dossier, and, of course, share them with you!

The gray walls offer a sophisticated backdrop to her trendy, funky British flag rug and open clothing racks.

The guilded mirror offers a bit of opulence among the rustic wine racks and burlap chairs. Oh, and notice the bust on the table-very Paris Apartment.

Lizzy has a very unique sense of style as she combines the unexpected: black leather couch, rustic coffee table, unfinished wood shutters, and a regal bust.
I especially like the painted dove gray floors.

The hip vintage turquoise frigo adorned with gracefully stuffed peacock, oversized romantic chandelier, and modern shelving and chairs bring a unique persona to the kitchen which matches the rest of her creatively beautiful home-definitely one of a kind!
images via Country Living