All too often I forget the many blessings that the Lord has brought into my life, and not just into my life but into the people's lives that I love the most.
So many times I get distracted with the little, unimportant things such as worrying about what I am going to wear or worrying about what people think about me. I could pretend that these things don't matter, but let's be honest, they do. So, I want to take a moment to list a few mighty things that God has done for me that I don't deserve. He does them because He loves me.
I am His child.

*Although there was a time this year when my husband's work went through a dry spell and we had no other income, we never went hungry, Amelia always had diapers, our home was still a comfortable place to live (better than many homes when compared to less fortunate countries), we still had gas for our cars; we were even still able to provide food for our cat...
The Lord takes care of us.
*Eventhough my father went through a long spell without work after being laid off (like thousands of other Americans his age), he and my mother were still able to pay off their home and relieve that debt on a 30 year mortgage; they were still able to travel here to visit us; and eventually God provided my father another job.
The Lord is faithful.
*God healed my brother-in-law after he was kicked in the ribs by a steer.
*God is still healing my uncle who had triple bypass surgery two months ago.
The Lord can heal all wounds.
Everyday as we are eating, playing, working, sleeping, God is in control orchestrating our health, our childrens' developing little bodies, our climate, our economy, everything.
How many times do our lives cross through dangers unseen by us that only the Lord knows we escaped through his protecting hand???
The Lord is in control.
I am thankful for all the blessings that I have received but I know that there are thousands that of "unknown" blessings that I have forgotten about or have been unaware of.
If you are reading this post, just think about all of the blessings you have at this very moment by just being able to do this simple act-You are literate; you are healthy enough to be entertaining yourself on the computer; you own a computer; you are alive...
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness (variation), neither shadow of turning." James 1:17
I hope you all have a joyous Thanksgiving with your families.
Images of Amelia Thanksgiving 2008