This morning I checked my email and saw a notice from the Valentino group to let me know that an updated version of their on-line virtual museum was now available. Of course I could not resist a quick peek and it is so delightful I wanted to share it with you! If you did not immediately rush over when it first launched do it now! Then prepare to get lost in beauty. It's a bit tricky to navigate at first, so take the time to read the how to and make good use of the menu and the more button that you see on the bottom of the menu. In a few minutes you will be whizzing through!
If you are like me and your are just there to look at beautiful clothes. then go straight to the making of couture section and sit back with your morning coffee and get ready. There is a fantastic film where Valentino himself goes over some of the highlights of pieces he designed and the "room" is filled with pieces you can see in detail. Couture porn!
I am a die hard Valentino groupie and absolutely love his work. I sometimes think that in the vintage world that they are oft forgot — with the exception of a few collections Valentino designs were and are, never Way Out There and his collections are not runway spectacles, so the House don't not necessarily catch the eye of the press time after time — but they should not be overlooked ever! They are the epitome of elegance and refinement — subtly perfect in every stitch and in a class of their own. I am always astounded when I post a Valentino piece and it is not immediately snatched up. They are one of the few brands left that does things properly — even today their RTW line is properly and exactingly made and their vintage pieces from the boutique are really demi-couture. Even at the higher vintage prices they command it is but a small fraction of what new pieces cost. Definite investment, heirloom pieces!