Yesterday I shared Constanza's view on beauty that I found on Garance Dore's blog. Today Garance released the second installment of this interview. In this clip Costanza Pascolato, contributing editor to Vogue Brazil, gives us a fascinating glimpse of the fashion world seen through her own eyes and direct involvement in it since the seventies and as a young person fascinated by fashion prior to that.
I love her mention of Twiggy and how her influence on fashionable girls caused her to drop 10 kilos in the attempt to get Twiggy's look. Just a reminder that girls have been trying to emulate other girls since, like forever.
It is also a fascinating reminder that the clothes we buy now and think of as vintage were once the clothes some young girl was buying for the first time in a shop. Clothes that we currently think of as vintage had previous lives and were once the purchases that reflected the times and ideals of those women as they lived it. Something to think about the next time you reach into your closet. Is that dress you just bought this week something another woman will cherish and squeal in delight over as a treasured find 40 years from now? Will a dealer try to hunt down the runway pictures of it and score over old digital copies of Vogue to try to find the exact season and date it was released? Or will it be one of a zillion pieces that a picker will whip over on a rack in some far distant thrift store, muttering no, no, no, hell no under their breathe as I have done many a time?
If you want my fashion advice (and heck if you don't then just mosey on back up to the paragraph above and pretend this paragraph does not exist). Buy vintage at every purchase — whether it is vintage as defined for the present or pieces that will be vintage one day. Your closet, and future generations will thank you.
Have both a vintage & modern filled dayxxx cherie