As most of you have noticed I haven't been around too much lately. If I haven't visited your blog lately, please don't feel neglected or snubbed. At best I may post and visit other blogs once a week, if that!
Anyway, I just felt the need to express my sudden realization that our daughter has entered the true phase of toddlerhood and has exited the "baby" phase. She didn't even ask if I was ready either!
Yesterday, she turned 16 months old.
Where did the past 4 months go? It seems like her birthday party was just a few weeks ago.
I have witnessed her emerging independence as she doesn't want to hold my hand, wants "down" within seconds after I pick her up, and actually said today not just "no" but "No, Daddy" (which I secretly think is quite funny since she said it to him and not me- I am usually the bad guy:)
Ahhh, where did my little baby go?
I hope you all have a great weekend. Amelia's Nana and Papa are coming to visit for the weekend, and we can't wait to see them!