Sorry I haven't been visiting you lately. These last two weeks have been crazy! I had my highschool reunion this last weekend, which was out of town , and the day after we returned home, my daughter and husband got sick. Ahhh, I am ready for things to slow down...
So my little escape for the moment is to share with you some gorgeous French-inspired ribbons crafted by Rosa, one of my new, very talented blog friends!
Rosa (aka Teacupdesign) is the original designer and creator of these beautiful handmade and hand-stamped muslin ribbons.
These hand-dyed and hand-stamped ribbons are so beautiful and unique. I can imagine using them for adorning a birthday present, tying back curtains, draping several yards around a white Christmas tree... Speaking of Christmas, I would start decorating for Christmas right now if my husband would let me... I'll concede to waiting until October! And if you have very creative friends, I would imagine they would enjoy receiving yards of these pretty ribbons for their own creative journeys.
There are over 100 selections of Rosa's lovely ribbons on Etsy!
Click here to view them!
Her work will be featured in the Fall/Winter issues of Somerset Life and Romantic Country Magazines. I LOVE Somerset's publications. What an honor, Rosa! Féliciations, mon amie!
Rosa, is an outstanding Etsy seller. She has been selling on Etsy since 2007, and her customers keep her very very busy!
If you love Marie Antoinette, you must visit her Etsy store to see some of her Marie Antoinette-inspired beauties.

Rosa is new to blogging, and I am sure that she would love for you to stop by and pay her a visit. Stop by her blog-frenchcountry1908 to congratulate her!
Bon week-end, mes amis!