Views from a Paris window   +  travel

Destination: Quebec City... In Search of Tips, Advice, Suggestions

I have been interested in the province of Québec since I learned about it in my highschool French classes. In about a week my husband and I will be boarding a plane destined to Quebec City. I have been planning for this trip for a total of maybe five weeks; thus, this trip is really spontaneous for me. I like to plan ahead for any kind of vacation for at least six months in advance so that I can do plenty of research before departing. The best part of planning ahead is having something to look forward to-to dream about...

So with less than a week left for researching and dreaming, I am looking to you for suggestions, tips, and advice. Perhaps you know first-hand or you have second-hand information that would be helpful.

Photo via DjeepMtl on Flickr

Photo via Julio on Flickr

Things I would like to know about Quebec City:

**Are there any great restaurants, cafés, bistros, etc that you would recommend?

**I have heard that there are great biking trails in Quebec. Which ones are the best?

***Besides Vieux Quebec, are there any other great streets that offer beautiful architecture or European atmosphere?

***I love antiques/flea markets. Are there any great shops that I must see?

**What attractions would you recommend? or not recommend?

***Of course, I'd like to do some shopping. What boutiques/stores are your favorites?

**I am hoping to take gorgeous photos of the fall foliage (if I am not arriving too late.) Where are the most picturesque places??

Photo via DavidPaulOhmer on Flickr

More than anything, I look forward to using my French again. It has been over a year since I quit teaching highschool French, and I feel that my proficiency is lagging.

In a short conversation with a québecois on the phone (for bed and breakfast reservations) I noticed a distinct difference in the French dialect from that of Parisian French (which is to be expected). Are there any differences in French vocabulary/connotations from the French language in Quebec and the French language in France?

It seems like I remember seeing a few differences in Canadian French phrases in a college French grammar book years ago... I should remember these...

Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated! It will be a couple of weeks before I am back to blogging and visiting you all again!

image #1 via image #2 via Flickr Michael McDonough