Chandler Burr's latest perfume selection highlights fragrances that 'surprise'.
1. Eau Claire des Merveilles by Hermes The original Eau des Merveilles was created by perfumer Ralf Schwieger, the genius behind the more recent Orange Sanguine by Atelier Cologne. Looking forward to trying this flanker by Jean-Claude Ellena.
2. Womanity by Thierry MuglerA huge amount of hype surrounds Womanity. This brand's ability to create, and bullishly market, successful fragrances is phenomenal. I like Thierry Mugler's Alien and hope to find something to like in Womanity.
3. Essence by Narciso Rodriguez If the surprise for this one is that there's nothing to smell, then I agree.
4. Bliss by BlissWhere there's a successful spa there's a line of semi-thought-through products. I'm willing to give this a try.
5. Infusion D'Iris by Prada Hello! Didn't Chandler Burr recommend this one in his New York Times scent selection in April ? Running out of ideas Mr B?
6. Beauty by Calvin KleinStill struggling to win back the success this brand experienced in the 90s, Calvin Klein can't seem to stop with the new launch merry-go-round.
Was Chandler Burr still half asleep on the beach when he put together this selection? Yawn. See if Chandler Burr's full commentary on his scent selection manages to win you over.
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Monday, 24 August 2015