If you're looking for a first perfume for a daughter, niece or godchild, then Harajuku Lovers are tailor-made for young girls. And not all of them are overly sweet scents, so worth a look.

For older girls, Annick Goutal's bottles are hard to beat for their pure romanticism. Petite Cherie was created by Annick Goutal for her daughter Camille. What could be more appropriate?

4711 was the first perfume that I ever remember owning. I had a tiny little bottle with the unique green and gold label. The bottles are ornate and almost as memorable as the scent itself. The smell is of a classic cologne, and definitely worth trying if you want a classic fragrance.

My daughter was given a Chance Eau Tendre sample back in April. As she's six years old, there's every possibility that she'll remember this as her first perfume. It's got pretty pink packaging, is rather sweet and girly, so actually it would be quite appropriate.

If you're looking for a perfume with mother and daughter relationship, then Arpege could be a good one to try. Jeanne Lanvin, so the legend goes, was inspired by her daughter practising scales on the piano so she called the perfume, Arpege, meaning ‘arpeggio'.

Or, perhaps most obviously of all, you could give your daughter small bottle of the fragrance that you use. Guaranteed they will love it — all little girls want to be just like their Mum.