I was in Space NK at the weekend and tried Emilio Pucci's fragrance Love Acqua 330. There are stacks of seaside and holiday fragrances around at the moment — and Acqua 330 is a goody. From the first wafts of the fragrance, it's the sea that comes to mind. Truly evocative and fresh. What I liked about Acqua 330 in particular is that it smells like a rounded and complete fragrance.
According to OsMoz the notes are violet leaves and aquatic notes, jasmine, frangipani and salted notes and a base of musk.

Regular readers of this blog will know that Eternal Return by CB I Hate Perfume is one of my favourite salty sea fragrances.

If you like sea fragrances you could also try Fleurs d'Ombre — Ombre Bleue. As well aquatic notes, Ombre Bleue has notes of hot pine needles and sun tan lotion.
Sunshine fragrances are also a real winner for summer days. Try Annick Goutal's Eau du Sud or Eau Dynamisante by Clarins. Both of these remind you of hot summer days and sunny gardens.

Lastly, it's not strictly speaking a summer fragrance, but Clinique's Aromatics Elixir is an oldy but still a goody.