The Crescent Row Collection fits perfectly within the Benefit brand. The names are fun, the packaging is incredibly creative and the perfumes are cute and likeable. It's great to have some lighthearted fun with perfumes that don't take themselves too seriously.
Each perfume in the Crescent Row Collection comes in its own mini-house. Put together, the three boxes look like a little crescent shaped road. Even the bottles are novelties — shaped as cocktail shakers. Laugh with me Lee Lee is the first one that I've tried — it's a cute fruity floral. It's not going to push back any boundaries. But on the other hand its relatively smooth, isn't jarring and is very easy to wear.
Laugh with me Lee Lee is would be a great gift. It's something fun, from a brand with a great reputation, and it's as much about the packaging as the actual juice. Benefit have even developed a cute little website for the range.
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