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French Lesson No. 10 - What Is It Made Of?

Bonjour, mes amis! This week has been a little hectic around here. Little Amelia has outgrown her morning nap, and I really miss that free hour and a half in the morning to get things done. I guess I will eventually adjust-J'espère
Today's Objectives:

  • Vocabulaire - for what things are made of
  • Reading - Practice reading in French!
    I have decided to add into this lesson a few very short paragraphs in French to help you to practice reading in French (we all need that reinforcement). Of course, I will give you the English version in case you need it.

en soie = made of silk
les rideaux en soie = silk curtains/drapes

Les rideaux en soie autour du lit donnent cette chambre un air royal. J'aime le mélange de motifs- les rayures et les fioritures.
The silk curtains around the bed give this room a regal air. I like the mixture of patterns-the stripes and flourishes.

en verre= made of glass
la bouteille en verre = glass bottle

J'utilise de temps en temps une bouteille de parfum en verre comme un petit vase pour un petit bouquet dans la salle de bain.
From time to time, I use a glass perfume bottle as a small vase for a small bouquet in the bathroom.

en coton=made of cotton
la robe en coton = a cotton dress
la chemise en coton = a (man's) shirt
Regardez ce couple-ci. Ils ont l'air purs et innocents en portant ces vêtments en coton. Une belle image tranquille n'est-ce pas?
Look at this couple. They look pure and innocent while wearing these cotton clothes. This is a beautiful and tranquil picture, isn't it?

en papier=made of paper

une fleur en papier = a paper flower

une chaussure en papier = a paper shoe

Noel, la fondatrice de Fanciful Designs, a fait cette chaussure blanche en papier. Elle a été inspirée par l'anniversaire de mariage de ses parents quand elle l'a créée. La chaussure est legère, romantique, et parfaitement charmante!

Noel, the founder of Fanciful Designs, made this white, paper shoe. She was inspired by her parent's wedding anniversary when she created it. The shoe is light, romantic, and perfectly charming!

en plastique=made of plastic

les boutons en plastique = plastic buttons

en cuir = made of leather

une malle en cuir = a leather trunk

une valise en cuir = a leather suitcase

Noel a trouvé cette malle en cuir il y quelques années à un marche aux puces en Californie. La malle a la marque Goyard-Paris. Quel trésor!
Noel found this leather trunk at a flea market in California a couple of years ago. The trunk has the mark, Goyard-Paris. What a treasure!

Images #1 and 2-Flickr-xjavierx #3. a la parisienne

#4.Flickr- Rosiehardy #5. Fanciful Designs #6. a la parisienne

#7. Fanciful Designs